



Table & Chairs




Big Window




Founder and Co-CEO 


 Jane Poynter 

  Taber MacCallum





Space Perspective 



1機につき 8席有り




1席 125,000ドル


*8名以下でも 貸切り可能


$1000~ $25,000





Space Perspective

スペース パースペクティブ


曽原 三友紀

(そはら みゆき)




Ticket (8-seats)

1 seat $125,000

*Those aged 16 and over can board



*Can be reserved for up to 8 people

Space Perspective

    Partner &

Certified Exploration Advisor


Miyuki Sohara 


Host : Space Crane Space Crane 2021 Mission & Sakura Production USA LLC

Co-Host : America Miyazaki Kenjin Kai (CA)

          Bard College at Simon's Rock , The Early College (MA)

Management & Coordination : Sakura Production USA LLC

Sponsor :  Sakura Production USA LLC

Support : The Japan Foundation Los Angeles

UN Space Week 2021 Global Official Registration Event

主催:宇宙鶴Space Crane 2021 MissionSakura Production USA LLC


   バードカレッジシモンズロック早期大学 (マサチューセッツ州 )

運営&コーディネート:Sakura Production USA LLC

後援: JAPAN FOUNDATION Los Angeles,国際交流基金ロサンゼルス

*国連宇宙週間2021 グローバルオフィシャル登録イベント

Message from Space Crane Ambassadors

About Space Crane 2021 Mission

    For the past two years, our lifestyle has changed dramatically as adults as well as children have been cut off from the world due to the pandemic. I have also realized how important it is to be connected to other people and how important it is to be healthy, and I am grateful for every day that I can live a healthy and normal life.

     As astronaut Ms Naoko Yamazaki, who has seen the Earth from space in the past, commented, "When I go to space, my worries seem so small.” I think we are living in an age where we need to learn about space and have hope and motivation for the future in order to see the beautiful blue earth from a different Perspective.

     In such a situation, and precisely because it is a time like this, I believe that we need to support and hope for each other. That is why we have decided to launch the " Space Crane 2021 Mission" as a "Project of Inspiration and Hope for the Future" with volunteers from various fields, including scientists and artists, and send it out to the world.

     The mission aims to promote education and international exchange in the new era by learning science and art at the same time, while connecting and interacting with the next generation of children around the world through the traditional Japanese culture of paper cranes. 

This year is said to be the "First Year of Space" and "Woman in Space" is being celebrated during the United Nations' World Space Week.

The "Space Crane Project" is a project that combines science and art from a Japanese perspective, and we would like to share it with you as we move into a new space age. 

    We are looking forward to your participation with your children.

    From Ms. Miyuki Sohara

 ISS Space Ambassador and initiator of the project





 そこで今回、様々な分野のサイエンティストやアーティストの有志と共に「心がワクワク、そして未来に向かっての希望のプロジェクト」として「SPACE CRANE宇宙鶴2021 ミッション」を立ち上げ世界に発信する運びとなりました。このミッションには日本文化である折鶴文化を通し次世代の子供達とグローバルにつながり交流を図りながら、サイエンスやアートも同時に学び新たな時代への教育や国際交流等の思いが込められています。

今年は宇宙元年とも言われ、また 国連世界宇宙週間では Woman in Spaceを祝っています。


                                                                                                 宇宙鶴  Space Crane 2021 Co Founder

  ISS SPACE Ambassador

Miyuki Sohara 曽原三友紀

    Takamaro Kajino

Space Crane 2021  Co Founder 

Youth Space Crane Ambassador 

    As much freedom we feel we have on Earth, the freedom is still very limited. However, space is infinite. 

Space is still mysterious, with so many potential discoveries to be made. 

Sending your hopes and wishes through the space cranes represents just that, reaching for the infinite universe and exploring the mystery of which the future holds for you. 


梶野 尊麿

宇宙鶴 Space Crane 2021 共同創始者




Message from Scientist and Artist 


Randy Greenberg

Founder and CEO of The Greenberg Group

Executive Producer, Former Hollywood Studio Executive

Art. Science. Education. Entertainment.

    These are disciplines that make humankind inspirational - motivating young minds around the world to build upon and excel beyond what is now known

 — this is what we should all strive to do, always.

    As a young child I was captivated by space and the wonder of “out there” - if this project can excite one mind to join one of these disciplines, then we have all succeeded. Beautifully. 

ランディ グリーンバーグ

The Greenberg Group創始者

エグゼクティブプロデュサー、元ハリウッドスタジオ エグゼクティブ(副社長)

アート、 サイエンス、 教育、 エンターテイメント。




 Shelli Brunswick 

SPACE Foundation COO

Space4Woman Mentor, International Space University 2020, ESU 20

   The future of the space ecosystem is global partnership, so the crane is a perfect symbol of our hope for peaceful collaboration across more than 85 countries and thousands of commercial enterprises and supply chain entrepreneurs that are rising up to operate in the space ecosystem. As each contributes to discovery and innovation, the Space Crane Mission is a reminder that global partnerships are how we will collectively educate and train people to meet the growing workforce requirements and economies, for space exploration and improving life here on Earth for all. 


SPACE Foundation COO(最高執行責任者)



John Spencer

Outer Space Architect

Founder of the Space Tourism Society (STS)

Co-Founder and Chief Creative officer, Mars World Enterprises, Inc.


 The International Space Station (ISS) was built and is run by 16 nations. It is a wonderful example of people from around the world working together for the betterment of all humankind. 

 In my opinion it is a symbol of the crane in space and of peaceful corporation. As humankind moves further out into the Solar System we will do so together in peace.

ジョン スペンサー







Yumi Iwashita PhD 

NASA, JPL / Computer vision for Robotics 

Space is not a suitable place for humans to stay for a long time, due to radiation etc., and instead, the space agencies around the world, such as NASA, JAXA and ESA, send spacecraft into space, and landers and rovers to planetary surfaces, as representatives of nations and of the entire world.

I believe the space crane is a wonderful opportunity to send something that represents us individually in space. 

岩下 友美 

NASAジェット推進研究所研究員 工学博士 専門:ロケットビジョン 

  宇宙は放射線などのため人類にとって長期間滞在するには適した場所ではありませんが、その代わりにNASA, JAXA, ESAなど世界各国の宇宙機関では、国家を、


 Yoshiaki Kuwata PhD

Aerospace Engineer 

    Sending something that you made with your own hands to space is a rare opportunity unless you work in the space industry. I believe this space crane project has the power to transform such rare opportunities into what everyone, regardless of their age, profession, and country, can experience in the near future. 

桑田 良昭 

航空宇宙工学 エンジニア



Shiho Iwanaga, Ph.D.  

Battery Engineer, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Washington  

Former NASA and Caltech Postdoctoral Fellow

  Thirteen years ago, I applied to become an astronaut but unfortunately it did not happen. There are still many technical issues to be solved before anyone

  can go to space easily. The Space Cranes are traveling through space with our wishes ahead of us. It reminds us to do what we can do now, while dreaming 

  about the future that will come one day. 


電池エンジニア  博士(電気電子工学、ワシントン大学NASA、カルフォルニア工科大学博士研究員 



Masaki Nakada, Ph.D.

Artificial Life researcher and CEO  NeuralX Inc.

Forbs The Next 1000 2021/ MIT Review Under 35 Japan Award 2020 Winner

     Thanks to the advancement and discovery in science, this world became such a convenient and entertaining place.

    You might feel there are not much left to be done at this point; however, the fact is that there are so many unknowns when it comes to universe and human brain. 

  I am feeling great potential in those area as an younger scientist for the contributions we may be able to bring. 

仲田 真輝 

人工生命研究者 x NeuralX社 社長 

Forbs The Next 1000 2021, 第一回MIT テクノロジーレビュー Under 35 アワードジャパン 受賞者



Kai Narita, PhD

Battery Engineer, PhD in Materials Science, California Institute of Technology 

MIT Review Under 35 Japan Award 2021 Winner

Takenaka Scholarship Foundation  Masason Foundation XPLANE

 When transporting things to space, it is important to minimize their mass and volume. One innovative approach to achieve this is controlling the architecture of materials, represented by Origami Engineering. If you think in this way, sending space cranes is interesting from the engineering perspective as well. 

 成田 海 



 回MIT テクノロジーレビュー Under 35 アワード ジャパン 受賞者

2016年 竹中育英会海外奨学生、 2017年 孫正義育英財団第一期生 XPLANE 設立者の一人


そのための革新的な方法は、材料のかたちの制御です。Origami Engineeringもその一つの例ですね。そうやってみると、宇宙鶴を送るのは工学としても面白い試みだと思います。

Takako Ishikawa

Emmy Award Winner Sound Design and FX Editor 

TV Series "Black List" , "Empire" ", "Samurai Marathon"  "Hannari" , " Orizuru 2015"   etc.

    I read an article which said that all you can hear in space is the sound you make. Sound is the vibration of air, so if there is no air in space, we will not hear any sound. Does that mean that the powerful sounds of movies or anime in space are just 

Imaginary sound effects? I also read that NASA has the technology to listen to space, and they are conducting research to feel the universe with sound. It's wonderful that what we thought was impossible can be made possible by the dreams, hopes, and efforts of many people. The wishes you put in the paper cranes may come true. 

石川 孝子

エミー賞受賞 ハリウッド サウンドデザイン&FXエディター  

" Samurai Marathon"  "Hannari" , " Orizuru 2015"   TV Series "Black List" , "Empire" ", etc.


  Matsune Suzuki (Matt Suzuki)

Oscar Award  and Emmy Winner 

Director, Art Director, Set Design and General Special Effects 

Avatar, Avatar 2 , Zootopia , Frozen, Alita, Maze 3 Death Cure, Wreck it Ralph etc.

    This year, civilians will finally be able to fly into space and expand their dreams. On the other hand, it is also true that some people are trying to use it 

for military purposes. It is up to us to decide what kind of picture we want to draw on this blank canvas.

    Let's make the space crane a forerunner of the universe of hope.


アカデミー賞&エミー賞受賞 / 監督、映画アートディレクター,セットデザイン and 特殊効果全般 

代表作:Avatar 2 , Zootopia , Frozen, Alita, Maze 3 Death Cure, Wreck it Ralph etc.



Mizuho Osawa 

Film and TV Music Composer 

Japan Olympic Synchronized Team, Documentary  Hannari etc

     It has been revealed that the universe has been filled with music since its birth 38 million years ago, 13.8 billion years ago. For example, I wonder if Princess KAGUYA would be pleased if I sent it out to planets where life is expected to exist.

Wouldn't it be great if Princess KAGUYA herself replied? Just thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat.

    My dream is to compose music that pleases the universe.

作曲家 大沢みずほ 

オリンピック シンクロナイズド日本チーム、はんなり


 Toshi Toda 

Hollywood Actor(SAG AFTRA)

New TV series "SHOGUN" (2022), "GODZILA Godzilla" (1998), "Letters from Iwo Jima" (2006/US), Orizuru 2015 (2015), etc.

    In Japan, "crane" means something to be celebrated. It also has the meaning of a symbol of peace brought about by the thousand cranes of the Origami Crane Girl. In order to have peace, the hearts of the people of the world must unite and wish for peace with love. Let's fold the cranes with this wish and send our wishes from the universe. I believe that this action will have a great meaning, especially now that people's hearts are in trouble due to the influence of pandemic. 

  戸田 年冶 

ハリウッド俳優(SAG AFTRA)

新TVシリーズ「SHOGUN」(2022),「GODZZILA ゴジラ」(1998)、「硫黄島からの手紙」(2006/米)、折鶴2015(2015)


Yumiko Sato

Japanese Actress

NHK TV series Main Role "Amakara shan"  Film"ULTRAMAN", Film "Orizuru 2015" Role Fujiko

    We are able to learn the secrets of our solar system and many galaxies from the tiny, tiny fragments delivered to Earth by satellites.

These fragments may also reveal our beginnings. Just thinking about the universe makes me excited, doesn't it?



NHK連続テレビ小説「あまからしゃん」主演 映画「ULTRAMAN」映画「折鶴2015ふじこ役



 Yuki Saito 

Film, TV, Commercial Director

Won the Audience Award for the fourth time in the history of Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia, Cannes International Advertising Festival etc.

Movie "KOTO" (2016), "Gunkan Shonen" (2021) , TV "Ossanzu Love" (2018), etc.

  Ever since I saw the movie "E.T." when I was a child, I have always thought that there is a civilization somewhere in the universe and that one day we will be able to interact with aliens. I have always wondered if there will be a day when we can interact with aliens.

The desire to know the unknown is an innate human need. In movies, it is made possible through imagination.

An origami crane with people's thoughts on it flies off into space. It is very cinematic and dreamy, but it is a real project.

One day, aliens with origami cranes in their hands may send messages back to Earth. 

Yuki Saito 


ショートショートフィルムフェスティバル&アジア史上初4度目の「観客賞」、 カンヌ国際広告祭受賞、第68回日本映画テレビ技術協会VFX部門映像技術賞受賞 etc. 

代表作 映画「古都」(2016)、「軍艦少年」(2021)テレビ「おっさんずラブ」(2018)他



